Told to children by the saints

Told to children by the saints

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Why do we venerate saints, why do we invoke them as intercessors? Children encounter these special people time and again, for example in the depictions of saints in the church or in living customs, for example in the St. Martin's procession or when cutting the branches of St. Barbara's. This book gives children an understanding of the significance of the saints: they never see themselves as something special, but through their lives they let the love of God shine on the earth like stars. Cornelia Pieper's vivid narrative style and the expressive illustrations by Yvonne Hoppe-Engbring make it easy for children to see the saints as friends who are there for us even after their death.

AuthorPieper, Cornelia
Edition1. Auflage
VersionBroschur geheftet
Format21 x 22 cm
Weight ca.100g

  • Ingrid B.

Same category Children's books

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