Telling the children about the miracles of Jesus

Telling the children about the miracles of Jesus

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Jesus heals the sick, restores sight to the blind, can feed over 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Who is this Jesus who can accomplish such things? Why are such deeds possible for him? The latest title in the successful series "... told/explained to children" traces the most important biblical miracle stories carefully and vividly. The "unbelievable" is brought closer to the children in understandable language and deepened by expressive color illustrations. At the same time, the author conveys in simple words the significance of Jesus' miracles as a sign of God's love for mankind. A book that approaches a fundamental topic in the teaching of faith in a child-friendly way: the extraordinary nature of the person of Jesus.

AuthorMiller, Gabriele
Edition1. Auflage
VersionBroschur geheftet
Format21 x 22 cm
Weight ca.126g

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