Told to children by the Pope

Told to children by the Pope

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How does someone become pope? Why does he live in Rome and what does he have to do there? And why is there only one pope? Such questions have also occupied children since the extensive media reports on the death of Pope John Paul II and the beginning of the pontificate of Benedict XVI. In easy-to-understand language, Markus Trautmann describes in this book the origins and development of the papal office, explains the regulations for the election of a pope, explains his duties, titles and symbols and briefly introduces the persons of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. A colorfully illustrated non-fiction book that teaches children everything they need to know about the papacy in age-appropriate language.

AuthorTrautmann, Markus
Edition1. Auflage
VersionBroschur geheftet
Format21 x 22 cm
Weight ca.101g

    Same category Children's books

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