Stories of Adam and Eve told to children

Stories of Adam and Eve told to children

5,50 €
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The stories of Adam and Eve are not the oldest texts handed down in the Bible. They are at the beginning, in the first book of the Bible, because what they tell concerns all people, however many are born. They tell of reality as it is still experienced today: God has not changed - he is devoted to his people. As they are told here, the stories of Adam and Eve provide answers to many children's questions about the where and why and how of being human; they awaken hope, joy of life and trust in life from and with the earth - trust in God, who has been there from the beginning and also remains faithful to people who have become guilty.

AuthorBeck, Eleonore
Edition1. Auflage
VersionBroschur geheftet
Format21 x 22 cm
Weight ca.103g

  • Helen R.

    Sehr schön gemacht

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