Rosary with medal of the Merciful Jesus and praying hands

Rosary with medal of the Merciful Jesus and praying hands

19,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-5 business days

With this rosary, the Merciful Jesus can always be with you. Because here he is depicted on the medal just as the Merciful Jesus appeared to the Polish nun Faustina in 1931. The two characteristic rays flowing from his heart are clearly visible. The pretty wooden beads of the rosary are also very supple and glide through the hands as if by magic when praying.

Material chainAntiallergenes Metall
Material crossHolz
Height cross3 cm
Diameter perl5 mm
Permimeter50 cm
Length40 cm Hanging
TypeGekettelt (silberfarben)
Has closure
Needed case sizeStandard
Weight ca.10g

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