Rosary with crucifix communion made of glass

Rosary with crucifix communion made of glass

19,99 €
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Anyone looking for a gift for Holy Communion as a godparent or family friend will find what they are looking for with this rosary. The crucifix depicts the most important symbols of the big event. The light-colored glass beads are also perfectly suited to White Sunday. With a little luck, your gift will accompany the communion child for a long time. Because the rosaries on the gift table on this day are something very special.

Material chainAntiallergenes Metall
Material crossAntiallergenes Metall
Height cross3 cm
Diameter perl4 mm
Permimeter44 cm
Length35 cm Hanging
TypeGekettelt (silberfarben)
Needed case sizeKlein
Weight ca.10g

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