Carnelian rosary

32,99 €
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It is the carnelian's inner fire that gives this gemstone its intense radiance. Martin Luther also wore a carnelian in his signet ring. Carnelian was also one of the most important healing stones used by the polymath Hildegard von Bingen. Among other things, she attributed healing powers to it for coughs and headaches. It is also said to help regulate blood circulation. Here it adorns a rosary that you can use for prayer as well as jewelry. Enjoy its colorful splendor.

Material chainAntiallergenes Metall
Height cross3,8 cm
Diameter perl6 mm
Permimeter62 cm
Length58 cm Hanging
TypeGekettelt (silberfarben)
Has closure
Needed case sizeStandard
Art der VerpackungGeschenkschachtel
Weight ca.25g

Highest craftsmanship from Hungary

This beautiful piece of jewelry was lovingly made by hand in Hungary.

  • Kornelia A.

    Sehr schöner Rosenkranz, toller Karneol, die Verarbeitung ist einwandfrei. Abwicklung und Lieferung waren ebenfalls problemlos.

  • Anna D.

    Sehr schön gemacht. Top! Habe übersehen dass dieser Rosenkranz eine Kete mit Verschluss ist, wollte ohne. Behalte ich trotzdem, bin zufrieden.

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