Bracelet with Benedictus medals and wooden bead, olive wood

Bracelet with Benedictus medals and wooden bead, olive wood
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8,99 €
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This jewelry looks simple, meaningful and mysterious on the wrist - and there is a reason for this, as you can see five small Benedictus medals surrounded by olive wood beads on a cord. They feature the Benedictus blessing, which has been used as an amulet against evil for generations. The obverse always shows St. Benedict of Nursia, the reverse the Benedictine cross. If you are looking for an unusual accessory that is also said to have a protective effect, this bracelet is a good choice.

Diameter perl100 mm
Permimeter16 cm
Durchmesser der Medaille0,8 mm
AusführungKordel kann groß und klein gezogen werden, somit passt es um fast jedes Handgelenk.
Weight ca.9g

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