Prayer cube morning prayers, green text

Prayer cube morning prayers, green text
Prayer cube morning prayers, green textPrayer cube morning prayers, green textPrayer cube morning prayers, green textPrayer cube morning prayers, green textPrayer cube morning prayers, green textPrayer cube morning prayers, green text

14,99 €
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Would you like to start the day stronger? Then say a morning prayer! If you take a moment in the morning to collect yourself and pause for a moment, you will draw strength for the whole day. This prayer cube contains six morning prayers, each more melodious than the last. Let the cube decide which words you start the day with.

Height5 cm
Width5 cm
Depth5 cm
Weight ca.110g

  • Sabine N.

  • Marie F.

  • Sarah-paz m. I.

    Es macht Spaß sich jeden Tag davon überraschen zu lassen was der Würfel zeigt. Und damit den Tag zu beginnen. "Die Würfel sind gefallen, fang zu beten an"

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