Prayer cube angel prayers, white lacquered

Prayer cube angel prayers, white lacquered
Prayer cube angel prayers, white lacqueredPrayer cube angel prayers, white lacqueredPrayer cube angel prayers, white lacqueredPrayer cube angel prayers, white lacqueredPrayer cube angel prayers, white lacqueredPrayer cube angel prayers, white lacquered

15,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-5 business days

The mixture of evening and angel prayers with pictures gives this prayer cube a special charm. With six beautifully designed, short prayers, young and old Christians will always find the right words to say goodnight.

Height6 cm
Width6 cm
Depth6 cm
ThemaSchutz- & Engelgebete
Weight ca.148g

  • Traudl B.

    Ist eine sehr schöne Art zu beten für Kinder.

  • Susanne S.

    sehr schön, haben wir bereits für unseren Sohn und wollen es nun dem Patensohn schenken.

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