Pieta by Michelangelo

Pieta by Michelangelo
Stained in shades
Stained in shades
14 cm

204,99 €
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HeightPriceDelivery time
14 cm 146,99 € 1-2 weeks
HeightPriceDelivery time
14 cm 204,99 € 1-2 weeks
Stained in shadesStained in shades
HeightPriceDelivery time
14 cm 172,99 € 1-2 weeks

Lieferzeit: 1-2 weeks

It is one of the most famous works of Western art history: the Roman Pieta by Michelangelo, which can be admired in St. Peter's Basilica. The Italian artist, one of the greatest geniuses of all time, carved the poignant scene 500 years ago from a single piece of marble. He was barely 25 years old at the time. The South Tyrolean wooden sculpture adheres closely to the magnificent model, which is of impeccable beauty.


Highest quality and wood carving art from Val Gardena in South Tyrol!

This item was made in the traditional Val Gardena valley in South Tyrol.

After the blank has been roughly pre-milled from high-quality mountain maple wood (for the smaller figures) or lime wood (for the larger figures), unless otherwise specified, it is finished by hand and lovingly hand-painted in the colored version.

This high-quality handwork is characterized by its special quality.

Please note: However, this may result in the painting of the details (the larger a figure is, the more details can be painted on) and the colors differing slightly from the illustration without affecting the quality.

Mountain maple and lime wood are light wood types with very little grain.

Each piece is therefore almost unique.

  • Rolf dieter K.

    Sofortige Bezahlung, Liegerzeit 3 Wochen zuviel. Informatation erst auf Nachfrage. Schlecht.

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