Holy water bottle "Lourdes", plastic without water

Holy water bottle "Lourdes", plastic without water

3,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-5 business days

A small bottle like this is ideal for taking blessed water with you from church. Be it from your local church, on a pilgrimage or when traveling - with this holy water bottle "to go" you always have the ideal transport and storage container with you. It is decorated with the image of the Lady of Grace in the Lourdes Grotto, whose spring water has already helped many believers.

Height11,5 cm
Weight ca.16g

  • Miriam R.

    Leider habe ich nicht gelesen, als ich bestellen habe daß die Flasche ohne Wasser ist.

  • Marlene V.

    Ansich sehr schön und praktisch, aber für 3.99 Flasche preislich sehr grenzwertig.

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