Heart element with guardian angel made of clay "When a child is born..."

Heart element with guardian angel made of clay "When a child is born..."

39,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-5 business days

How comforting and invigorating it is to hope that you will be accompanied by a guardian angel from an early age. This lovingly designed heart element strengthens the belief in a heavenly power that lovingly guides people through life. In addition to the beautiful saying, the little clay angel peering mischievously out of its niche is particularly enchanting.

Material figurineTon
Height cross10 cm
Height figurine4 cm
Width11,5 cm
Depth1,5 cm
Mounting typeÖse
SloganKommt ein Kind zur Welt, ein Engel sich daneben stellt, und Tag für Tag und Nacht für Nacht, ein Leben lang es nun bewacht.
Weight ca.135g

    Same category Wooden elements

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