Children's cross with guardian angel made of clay, sun

Children's cross with guardian angel made of clay, sun

39,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-5 business days

This children's cross gives your little one the feeling of being protected at all times. This is ensured by the loving saying as well as the images of the sun, moon and stars, which symbolize day and night. But the highlight of this children's cross is certainly the little guardian angel. With its hands folded in prayer, it looks mischievously out of its niche and can be a faithful companion throughout childhood from now on.

Material figurineTon
Height cross20 cm
Height figurine4 cm
Width11 cm
Depth1,5 cm
Mounting typeÖse
SloganIch beschütze Dich, mit Liebe bei Tag und bei Nacht.
Weight ca.135g

    Same category With angel figure

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