Birth gift set "Your angel loves you"

Birth gift set "Your angel loves you"

19,99 €
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If you would like to give a gift for the birth of a new citizen, this is the perfect multi-part gift. The set consists of a guardian angel hand flatterer and a mini book containing sayings that fit the happy occasion. The booklet is padded, just like many toddler picture books. You can also write your name on an extra congratulations page. Then the family and later the child will always know who the gift came from. The whole thing is packaged in a metal box, which is also decorated with the blessing Your angel loves you. This shows that this gift really comes from the heart.

Format13 x 13 x 4,2 cm (Metalldose)
Höhe der Figuren6 cm (Schutzengel)
Weight ca.263g

    Same category Christening & Birth

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